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Republican Legislators In These 14 States Are Backing Texas Over Biden Border Standoff

Republican lawmakers in more than a dozen states are backing efforts by GOP Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to reinforce the U.S. border.


Republican lawmakers in more than a dozen states are backing efforts by GOP Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to reinforce the U.S. southern border while the Biden administration works to destroy it. On Thursday, Abbott held a press conference at the center of the standoff with the Biden administration, at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas, and pledged even more resources to counter foreign invasion.

“In Texas, we’ve been able to achieve a decrease in illegal crossings only because of great teamwork,” Abbott said. “Part of that teamwork is our partnership with the Texas National Guard, and we are currently working with the Texas Military Department to add more razor wire, anti-climb barrier, and personnel.”

The press conference came just weeks after the Supreme Court vacated an injunction that had temporarily barred the feds from removing razor wire Texas had erected along parts of the border to deter illegal crossings. Abbott has maintained orders for state agents to continue protecting parts of the southern border as states struggle to cope with the ongoing “invasion.”

At least 26 GOP attorneys general signed a letter in solidarity with Texas last month demanding the Biden administration “enforce the laws that secure the southern border.”

“States have an independent duty to defend against invasion,” they wrote. “…[T]he crisis at the border requires the Executive Branch to enforce the law.”

Republican governors in 25 states have also backed Abbott’s plans to limit the Biden administration’s open border, with some even sending National Guard troops to reinforce Texas.

“President Biden and his Administration have left Americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented illegal immigration pouring across the Southern border,” a joint statement from the 25 governors read. “We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border.”

Republican legislators in another 14 states are speaking up as well.


The speaker of the Arizona House and the president of the Arizona Senate signed a January letter with 26 attorneys general demanding the Biden administration crack down on the border invasion.


Eighteen members of the California state assembly called on Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom to substantively address the border crisis’s amplification of drug and human trafficking.

“The people of California deserve to hear how you will keep them safe,” lawmakers wrote last month. “Protecting our communities should be a nonpartisan issue and the Assembly Republican Caucus looks forward to assisting in efforts to crack down on drug cartel smuggling and human trafficking.”


Last week, Republicans in the Kansas House of Representatives passed a resolution in solidarity with Texas that demanded the state’s Democrat governor offer National Guard troops to Texas.

“Millions of individuals have entered our country illegally due to the failures of the Biden Administration, posing a threat to national security, a rise in human trafficking and smuggling, and releasing a deadly influx of fentanyl into our communities,” said the state’s Republican leadership. “By prohibiting Texas from defending its border, the Biden administration has accelerated and exacerbated these safety concerns to crisis level. We encourage Governor Laura Kelly to join us and stand with Texas to provide any needed support to the Governor of Texas as it protects its citizens and rightfully defends its southern border.”


Earlier this month, Republicans in the Kentucky Senate introduced a resolution “urg[ing] Governor Andy Beshear to support Governor Greg Abbott in securing the Texas border.” Beshear is a Democrat.


Michigan Senate Republicans put forward a resolution last week supporting Texas against “invasion” as a “constitutional right and responsibility.” Democrats control both houses of Michigan’s legislature and its governor’s mansion.


A resolution put forward in the Missouri legislature this month “urges the governor to send Missouri National Guard members to aid the state of Texas in protection of the borders of the United States.”


In January, House Republicans in Mississippi introduced a resolution to “support Governor Abbott’s efforts to restore the sovereignty of Texas and the integrity of the Mexican border.”

North Carolina

Republicans in the North Carolina House sent a letter to the state’s Democrat governor, Roy Cooper, demanding National Guard troops be sent to assist Texas with border security.

“Our state must stand in solidarity with Texas and Governor Abbott and support his efforts to defend our southern border and protect our citizens,” House Republicans wrote. “This body urges you to stand with Governor Abbott and speak out in support of his actions to protect his state.”

New York

New York Republican leaders in the legislative minority similarly called on their state’s Democrat governor to send additional National Guard troops to the border.

“Immigration reform is a matter that must be dealt with on the federal level,” lawmakers wrote. “However, we hope you agree that the states’ sovereign right to protect its citizens and its communities must be valued above the actions of federal authorities.”


Last week, Republicans in both chambers of the Oregon legislature signed a joint letter to the Texas governor to “keep the faith” in the fight for border security.

“The authors of the United States Constitution made clear that in times like this, states have a right to self-defense,” they wrote. “We are a nation of laws and legal immigration, not open borders and lawlessness.”


In January, more than 40 Pennsylvania Republicans in the state legislature called on their Democrat governor and attorney general to provide aid for Texas amid the ongoing border crisis.

“Pennsylvania’s participation in Texas’ initiative will not only aid in managing the border crisis, but also strengthen our state’s reputation as a proactive contributor to addressing major national concerns and enhancing the safety and well-being of our own communities,” lawmakers wrote.

South Dakota

A concurrent resolution both houses of the South Dakota legislature passed last month “affirm[s] South Dakota’s support of the defense of the southern border.”


Republicans in Tennessee put forward a resolution condemning the Biden border crisis and commending the state’s governor for his continued support for Texas authorities.

“This General Assembly urges the federal government to do all within its power to secure the border and protect our country,” the resolution reads.

West Virginia

A concurrent resolution put forward by Republicans in West Virginia this month recognizes the “sovereign right and duty” of Texas “to defend its borders and the well-being of its citizens.”

“The State of Texas has been overwhelmed by an invasion of illegal migrants, including an incursion of millions of foreign military-age males and thousands of pounds of illicit drugs, all of which stand as a critical threat to the security, welfare, and sovereignty of its people and, by extension, the peace and order of these United States,” the West Virginia lawmakers write.

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