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The Federalist Names Mollie Hemingway As Editor In Chief

Mollie Hemingway on Fox News
Image CreditYouTube / Fox News

In this new role, Hemingway — who has been The Federalist’s senior editor since its founding in 2013 — will now oversee all of The Federalist’s editorial operations.


Mollie Ziegler Hemingway has been named editor in chief of The Federalist, company co-founder and Chief Financial Officer Sean Davis announced on Monday. In this new role, Hemingway — who has been a Federalist senior editor since its founding in 2013 — will now oversee all of The Federalist’s editorial operations.

“I’m thrilled to announce Mollie as The Federalist’s editor in chief,” Davis said. “Mollie’s leadership, temperament, journalistic experience, and especially her courage make her the perfect choice to set the editorial direction of The Federalist.”

“America is at a crossroads right now,” Davis continued. “We are locked in a battle that will decide whether our nation will defend and uphold the values and ideals of our Founding, or whether we will allow deranged left-wing activists, corrupt media and Big Tech outlets, and a feckless political establishment to rewrite history and destroy everything that has made America the greatest and most free nation on earth.”

Since The Federalist was founded in 2013 by Davis and Ben Domenech, the publication has served as the tip of the spear against the bogus narratives and hoaxes peddled by the corrupt corporate media. From unmasking the Russian collusion hoax, to reporting the truth about the attempted character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh, to combatting the never-ending attempts of the left to thwart and unseat President Donald Trump, to chronicling the reality of what happened during the 2020 election, to fighting Big Tech’s Orwellian declaration of war against free speech, The Federalist has placed itself on the front lines of the left’s war against America’s founding principles.

In each of those battles, Hemingway’s fearless work for The Federalist set the tone and led the way for the entire conservative movement.

“Mollie is far and away the smartest pundit and journalist working in politics today,” Davis added.

One of the most popular and beloved contributors on Fox News, Hemingway also serves as a senior journalism fellow at Hillsdale College, where she teaches a class on journalism. In 2021, her distinguished reporting and commentary earned her the prestigious Bradley Prize, which is awarded for extraordinary contributions to American scholarship and debate. In 2019, recognizing her “journalistic integrity and willingness to stand alone beside the truth,” the Heritage Foundation conferred on Hemingway its Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship.

She is also the co-author of the No. 1 national best-seller, “Justice On Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court,” and the author of the best-selling “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections,” the definitive historical account of the 2020 presidential election.

“My goals for The Federalist are to continue our courageous and ground-breaking journalism,” Hemingway said. “From our founding, we have fought every false corporate media narrative out there, from the Russian collusion hoax, to the Kavanaugh smears, to the irregularities surrounding the 2020 election. So much more needs to be done to protect America from a corrupt media complex that’s hell-bent on destroying the country. That’s why I’m so excited for this new role at The Federalist and so honored to be working with our team of amazing, fearless journalists.”

As editor in chief, Hemingway will lead The Federalist’s coverage and work closely with the publication’s senior editorial staff, including Executive Editor Joy Pullmann and newly named Senior Editor John Davidson, along with Davis and Domenech. Founded in 2013 by Davis and Domenech, The Federalist quickly became one of the most fearless and influential political publications in the country and is a daily must-read for everyone interested in the nexus of politics, culture, and religion in America.