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Hemingway: Mike Rounds, Other GOP Leaders Need To Quickly Learn Basic Facts About Election Integrity

Mollie Hemingway on Fox News 1/10
Image CreditFox News/Photo

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway said Republicans such as Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota need to learn the basic facts about election integrity before claiming that the 2020 election had no significant problems. On Sunday, Rounds claimed “the election was fair, as fair as we have seen.”

“That’s a ludicrous thing for anybody to say, but particularly a Republican senator, who at this point should know so much about all of the problematic things that happened,” Hemingway said on Fox News “Primetime” on Monday night. “Whether it was changing all of these laws in the run-up to the election, or having Mark Zuckerberg engaged in a private takeover of government election offices, or Big Tech censorship, or media censorship — all these things that make our elections more problematic.”

“You would really expect more from Republican senators,” Hemingway added.

Hemingway said there is a multitude of problems with the nation’s election processes, and ignoring those is doing no favors to Americans concerned about election security.

“There are problems with one in eight voter registrations across the country,” Hemingway said. “And there are all sorts of problems with decreasing security with the rampant rise of mail-in ballots.”

Hemingway also noted that while there’s nothing wrong with former First Lady Michelle Obama holding voter registration drives, oftentimes Democrats use these as an opportunity to erode election integrity.

“It’s actually a good thing to do voter registration drives. The problem is not that Michelle Obama is doing a voter registration drive, but there are a couple of problems associated with it. One is that a lot of times these Democratic efforts happen at the same time as other problematic things. Like in New York City, you don’t have to be an American citizen to register to vote. It makes it very hard to separate out voter registrations from those who are legal to vote in statewide races or presidential elections and those who New York City says can vote in municipal elections,” Hemingway noted.

Now, Hemingway concluded, is the time for Republicans to act.

“I’m also a little bit concerned that Republicans don’t seem to be aware of how much effort needs to be done on their side of the aisle as well. They should be doing these massive voter registration drives and they also need to be familiar with what the problems are with decreased election security,” she said.