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Here’s The Authoritative List Of Lies Joe Biden Has Told As President: 375 And Counting

President Joe Biden in Oval Office
Image CreditWhite House/Flickr

Here is part four of The Federalist’s rigorous coverage designed to hold Biden and his administration accountable.


Updated June 6, 2024. Three hundred seventy-five and counting.

Three years into President Joe Biden’s White House tenure, his fabulism is on repeat. He’s told more lies than anyone could ever quantify, but we’ve done our best to document his serial falsehoods. Here is part four of The Federalist’s rigorous coverage designed to hold Biden and his administration accountable with substantive fact-checking throughout his presidency.  

You can find part three of “The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President” here.

375. Biden Claims To Have Known Putin For ‘40 Years’

Biden told ABC News anchor David Muir in a June 6 sitdown that he’s known Russian President Vladimir Putin for “over 40 years.”

“He’s concerned me for 40 years. He’s not a decent man,” Biden continued.

As the New York Post noted, Putin was in the Soviet Union’s spy network from 1975 to 1991. He spent most of his time in intelligence on assignments in St. Petersburg and former East Germany “making it highly unlikely Biden was aware of the future US adversary’s existence as early as he claimed.”

Putin did not officially enter the world spotlight, the Washington Post noted in 2000, “Until he was handpicked in August [1999] by then-President Boris Yeltsin to become prime minister.”

374. Biden Fabricates Timeline Of Maryland Bridge Response

President Biden told a May 29 gathering of supporters in Philadelphia that he was with the Maryland governor immediately after the Key Bridge collapse from two months ago. The bridge, however, failed on March 26. President Biden didn’t visit the site until the following week.

373. Biden Claims He Was ‘Involved Deeply’ In Civil Rights

The president attempted to court black voters at a May 29 appearance in Philadelphia with claims he was “involved deeply in the civil rights movement.” Biden has repeatedly exaggerated his involvement and was an ally to segregationist lawmakers.

372. Biden Again Claims Naval Academy Appointment He Never Received

Biden once again claimed he was among 10 young men appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy in Maryland during an address to West Point graduates in May 2024.

“I was appointed by the fellow I ran against when I was 29 years old to the Naval Academy. I was one of 10. I wanted to play football,” the Democrat said.

Biden claimed he ultimately decided to attend the University of Delaware after learning Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino were members of the Naval Academy’s pigskin team.

“Not a joke,” Biden said in response to the audience’s polite laughs.

No records or evidence suggest Biden was ever appointed to the Naval Academy. Yet, the president often repeats variations of the story in speeches and addresses.

371. Biden Regurgitates ‘Book Ban’ Hoax

While speaking to attendees at an NAACP dinner in Detroit, Michigan, Biden stated: “I never imagined that in 2024 there’d be folks waiting to ban books in America! What in God’s name is that about? Not only that, they’re trying to erase black history! Literally!”

Contrary to the president’s claim, there are no efforts to “ban” books in America.

370. Biden Claims He Was Vice President During the Covid Pandemic

Biden claimed during a speech that he served as vice president during the 2020 Covid pandemic. That statement is false. Former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence served as vice president under President Donald Trump during the outbreak.

369. Biden Distorts His Civil Rights Activism

During a speech at an NAACP dinner in Detroit, Michigan, Biden claimed he “got involved in civil rights when [he] was 15.” There is no evidence to support that assertion.

368. Biden Repeats ‘Book Ban’ Hoax

Biden told attendees at Morehouse College’s 2024 commencement that he “never thought … [he’d] be president at a time when there’s a national effort to ban books … to erase history.”

As Federalist Senior Editor David Harsanyi previously explained, there is no conservative-led effort to “ban” books. What many parents are advocating for is the removal of books containing sexually explicit and other inappropriate content from libraries accessible to minors. Moreover, books not available at public or school libraries can be purchased online with the click of a button or at retail bookstores.

367. Biden Smears Georgia’s Election Integrity Law

In a pathetic attempt to pander to black voters, Biden falsely claimed during Morehouse College’s 2024 graduation ceremony that Georgia’s 2021 election integrity law (SB 202) doesn’t “allow [for] water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election.”

That statement is a lie. SB 202 explicitly states that Georgia poll workers may “mak[e] available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote.”

366. Biden Claims He Got Involved in Politics Because of the Civil Rights Movement

During a commencement speech at Morehouse College, a historically black university, Biden claimed he ran for public office “to embrace the cause of civil rights.” That statement is false, as Biden has cited several unrelated reasons for why he got into politics. In March, for example, the president claimed it was Cesar Chavez who got him interested in politics.

365. Biden Claims His Administration is Filled with Morehouse College Graduates

While speaking at Morehouse College’s 2024 commencement, Biden contended: “I got more Morehouse men in the White House telling me what to do than I know what to do! You all think I’m kidding, don’t you?”

Contrary to the president’s claim, there is only one senior White House official who graduated from Morehouse College. That individual is Jahi Wise, a senior advisor for Climate Policy and Finance.

None of Biden’s cabinet appointees are Morehouse graduates.

364. Biden Lies About Inflation Under Trump

While speaking with Yahoo Finance, Biden claimed inflation was “at 9 percent” when he came into office. That is false. As noted by Breitbart News, the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics “found that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate was at 1.4 percent in January 2021, when Biden came into office.”

363. Biden Claims He Works For Kamala Harris

During a White House event, Biden claimed he “work[s] for Kamala Harris.” The president does not, in fact, work for his vice president.

362. Biden Bluffs About Inflation

Biden falsely claimed in a May 2024 sitdown with CNN that inflation was at “9 percent when I came into office.”

“[N]o president has had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation,” the Democrat insisted.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index data for January 2021, the month Biden was inaugurated, showed year-over-year inflation hovering around 1.4 percent. By June 2022, just one year into his White House tenure, annual CPI had skyrocketed to 9.1 percent.

Instead of taking responsibility for the historic hike in prices, Biden blamed “corporate greed.”

361. Biden Makes Up Story About Support For Green Bay Packers

President Biden said during a May 8 election-year speech in Wisconsin that he’s a fan of the Green Bay Packers because he had a teacher who was drafted by the team but chose to become a priest.

“We were the only high school in Delaware who overwhelmingly rooted for Green Bay,” Biden said. “I’ll tell you why: Every single Sunday. Not only did they have great teams at the time, still do, but not only that, my theology professor at the Catholic school I went to was a guy named Riley. Last name. And he had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers.”

Biden’s story changed from 10 years ago, according to a Wisconsin radio station.

“I went to a Catholic boys school in Claymont, Delaware, taught by an order of priests called the Norbertines,” then-Vice President Biden said. The headmaster there, he said, “made everyone of us Packers fans. Besides I’m fearful I’ll go to hell if I don’t root for the Packers.”

“There was no mention of a theology professor named Riley or possibly Reilly who was a Packers draft pick who stuck to the priesthood,” reported Outkick. The only Riley or Reilly to be drafted by the team, the paper added, was Tex Reilly, who was picked in 1947. “He went on to become a Major General in the United States Air Force.”

360. Biden Claims He Traveled The Globe For AI Meetings

Biden insisted during his announcement of Microsoft’s $3.3 billion artificial intelligence data center in Wisconsin that he’s “gone around the world — literally, not figuratively — meeting with the leading architects of AI.”

While Biden has participated in discussions with leading U.S. AI companies Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI, the meetings were held in San Francisco and at the White House.

359. Biden Repeats ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax

During the 2024 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Biden repeated the debunked hoax that former President Trump promised a violent “bloodbath” if he doesn’t defeat Biden in the November 2024 election.

“He promised a bloodbath when he loses again,” Biden shouted.

Much like the media attending the dinner, Biden took Trump’s remarks out of context. The 45th president was not calling for violence but was discussing the economic disaster that awaits Americans if Biden and Democrats win the upcoming election.

358. Biden Says He Was ‘Arrested’ During Civil Rights Movement

In a sitdown with Howard Stern, Biden claimed he “got arrested standing on the porch with a black family” at a protest near his Delaware neighborhood during the civil rights movement.

Even fake fact-checkers at PolitiFact admit there was no record of Biden’s arrest.

“Police were called to the home as hundreds of people protested outside. There were a few arrests, but no evidence that Biden was among them,” they concluded, rating the tale “false.”

357. Biden Repeats Suspect Story About ‘Salacious Pictures’

Biden told interviewer Howard Stern that women would often send him, as a recently widowed U.S. senator, “salacious pictures” that he turned over to the Secret Service.

“I got put in that 10 most-eligible bachelor’s list,” Biden said, just days after he shared the exact same story in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Not only did Biden not have a Secret Service security detail during his time in the upper chamber, but a cursory search yielded no results for Biden’s name on a “10 most-eligible bachelors” list.

A 1974 profile published by the Washingtonian merely noted that Biden was “hounded for weeks by the media” in the wake of his wife and daughter’s deaths.

“A few weeks after Neilia’s death we got a call from Sally Quinn of the Post. She wanted to do a story on the Senator as Washington’s most eligible bachelor. Naturally we said no but it wasn’t easy because she kept calling all the time,” Biden’s then-press aide Chazy Dowaliby said. She noted that interview requests poured in from “every female magazine in the country.”

356. Biden Embellishes His High School Football Performance

In a Sirius XM interview with Howard Stern on April 26, 2024, Biden repeated a lie that falsely inflated his performance as a wide receiver in Catholic League football.

“By the way, I don’t think a lot of people know that you were a star receiver in high school. Star receiver! You were like the first-string guy. You were the guy who caught the ball,” Stern said.

“Runner up in state scoring, you know. What the heck? But I was a runt,” Biden continued.

Archived newspapers from Biden’s pigskin glory days, however, show he placed fifth in the conference scoring race “with four touchdowns through four games for 24 points.”

355. Biden Claims He Commuted Using the Francis Scott Key Bridge

Biden contended that he “commuted [to work] every day for 36 years” as a U.S. senator using the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland. But this statement doesn’t align with the president’s previous claims — nor the bridge’s features.

Biden once claimed, for example, that he “commuted every single day [to work], 263 miles a day, on Amtrak.” While it was available to cars and other automobiles, the Francis Scott Key Bridge did not have railways, and therefore, could not have been used by Amtrak or other train services.

354. Biden Claims He Cut the National Debt

During an April 24 speech before his supporters, Biden claimed: “I cut the national debt so far.” That statement is factually untrue. The U.S. national debt has increased nearly $7 trillion since Biden took office, according to the Treasury Department.

353. Biden Claims Trump’s Tax Cuts ‘Overwhelmingly’ Benefited the Wealthy

Biden claimed in an April 23 tweet that tax cuts passed by Republicans and signed into law by former President Trump “overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy and biggest corporations and exploded the federal debt.”

That’s false. Data produced by the IRS has shown that “on average all income brackets benefited substantially from the Republicans’ tax reform law, with the biggest beneficiaries being working and middle-income filers, not the top 1 percent,” according to The Hill.

352. Biden Claims He Gave a Speech That Never Happened

Biden claimed during an April 23 event that earlier in the day he “spoke about — up in Washington” how the 2024 election is an “old-fashioned election.” There are no public speeches or remarks listed on the president’s public schedule for the morning of April 23 indicating he ever spoke about such matters.

351. Biden Claims He Drove an 18-Wheeler

While speaking with supporters in Florida, Biden claimed he “used to drive an 18-wheeler.” There is no evidence Biden has ever driven an 18-wheeler. Even the left-wing PolitiFact rates Biden’s truck-driving claim as “false.”

350. Biden Claims He Got Involved in Politics Because of the Civil Rights Movement

Biden claimed he “got involved, when [he] was a kid, in electoral politics” because of the civil rights movement. This is untrue, as Biden has cited numerous unrelated reasons for why he got into politics. In March, for example, Biden claimed it was Cesar Chavez who got him interested in politics.

349. Biden Claims Making College ‘Free’ Won’t Cost Taxpayers

Biden claimed during an April 23 speech in Florida that if he “has [his] way in the next four years, [he’s] going to make community college free” and that “it won’t cost the taxpayers.” This is false; nothing is “free.” Enacting such a policy would shift the cost of college from students to taxpayers, including those who already paid their tuition and student loans or opted not to attend college in the first place.

348. Biden Fabricates Climate Data

Biden claimed, “Last year was Earth Day’s hottest day on record.” That statement is not true, as the White House tacitly admitted in an edited transcript of the president’s remarks.

347. Biden Repeats Baseless ‘Suckers and Losers’ Hoax

Biden regurgitated the baseless lie that former President Trump refused to visit a war memorial because he thought the U.S. veterans buried there were “losers and suckers.” The allegations — which were first pushed by anonymous sources in a 2020 Atlantic article — have been publicly refuted by numerous Trump administration officials.

Even left-wing “fact-checkers” such as Snopes have admitted, “[T]here appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes’ authenticity.”

346. Biden Exaggerates Details About Late Uncle

President Biden twice mentioned his “Uncle Bosie” during a visit to a war memorial in Pennsylvania on April 17, but the details he gave contradict the established record.

Biden claimed Second Lieutenant Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr. was “shot down” in 1944 during a reconnaissance flight over a “war zone” in New Guinea where “a lot of cannibals” dwelled.

“They never recovered his body but the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found parts of the plane and the like,” Biden said.

A personnel file published by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency indicates Bosie was a passenger on a courier flight that “for unknown” but noncombative reasons was “forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea.”

“Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard. Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash,” the profile states.

Biden also claimed “Bosie” enlisted with his brothers after D-Day, but records show the aircraft carrying him went down a few weeks before American troops stormed the beaches at Normandy. To this day, Bosie’s remains are “still unaccounted for.”  

345. Biden Repeats ‘Losers and Suckers’ Lie

After a winding tale about his “Uncle Bosie,” a second lieutenant whose remains are still unaccounted for after the aircraft he was on crashed near New Guinea in 1944, Biden repeated one of his favorite hoaxes about his top political opponent.

“What I was thinking about when I was standing there was when [Donald] Trump refused to go up to the memorial for veterans in Paris and he said they were a bunch of suckers and losers,” Biden said in Scranton, Pennsylvania on April 17.

The lie, published by The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, was debunked by nearly two dozen Trump White House officials.

344. Biden Says He Taught Second Amendment Law

President Biden fabricated his resume again during an interview with Univision. In an exclusive sit-down with the Spanish-language broadcaster, Biden spoke about his alleged experience as a constitutional law professor.

“I used to teach the Second Amendment in law school,” Biden said, adding that when the Bill of Rights was adopted, “you couldn’t own a cannon.”

Except Biden has never been a constitutional law professor. Federalist Senior Editor David Harsanyi broke down the second lie last year:

The founders wanted the citizenry to own ‘weapons of war,’ because they believed an armed population was a bulwark against those who would strip them of inalienable liberties. So, for instance, you could definitely own a cannon. You still can. There are numerous accounts of the American military buying cannons from private citizens. Then there are the privateers, which as the name suggests were private citizens. And they had lots of cannons. Americans were never barred from purchasing or constructing any type of weapon they desired without any hassle until the 20th century.

343. Biden Claims He Ran for Office to Prevent War in Vietnam

During a Univision interview, Biden claimed one of the reasons he ran for president was to “reduce the prospect of war because of Vietnam.” There is no legitimate prospect currently of war between the United States and Vietnam. Throughout his political career, Biden has regularly claimed myriad issues inspired him to run for office, none of which included Vietnam.

342. Biden Claims It’s Unclear Whether He Has the Power to Shut the Border

Biden claimed his administration is “examining” whether he has the power to shut down the southern border and falsely asserted it’s uncertain whether he “has the power all by himself without legislation” to stop illegal immigrants attempting to infringe upon America’s sovereignty.

Contrary to his jumbled remarks, Biden has the authority to fix the ongoing crisis. In fact, he has taken dozens of executive actions since taking office to dismantle the security of the U.S.-Mexico border and America’s immigration system.

341. Biden Repeats Debunked Amtrak Story

Biden contended he “commute[d] every single day” when he was a senator.

“Over a million miles round trip over the time I was in the United States Senate,” he claimed.

The president appears to be conflating this false assertion with a debunked story he regularly tells about how he commuted similar distances on Amtrak while serving as vice president.

340. Biden Repeats ‘No New Taxes’ Lie

Biden claimed during a speech that “under [his] plan, nobody earning less than four hundred thousand dollars a year will pay an extra penny in taxes.” Estimates produced by the Joint Committee on Taxation, however, predict that Democrats’ so-called Inflation Reduction Act, as Sen. Mike Crapo put it, will do“nothing to bring the economy out of stagnation and recession, but … will raise billions of dollars in taxes on Americans making less than $400,000.”

339. Biden Claims He Reduced the Deficit

During an April 9 speech, Biden claimed his administration “already cut the deficit by one trillion dollars.” That statement is not true.

338. Biden Claims He is the First in His Family to Attend College

Biden told an audience in Wisconsin he is ” the first in [his] family to go to college.” That’s false, as Biden himself admitted more than 30 years ago during his flailing 1987 presidential bid. During that campaign, Biden got busted plagiarizing a speech from a British politician.

337. Biden Claims He Didn’t Proclaim Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

When Biden faced criticism for choosing to honor the manufactured “Transgender Day of Visibility” over Easter Sunday, he denied his actions.

“I didn’t do that,” Biden claimed, before accusing House Speaker Mike Johnson of being “thoroughly uninformed” for suggesting otherwise.

On the contrary, Biden, a so-called Catholic, made the deliberate decision to formally celebrate radical gender ideology on Resurrection Sunday.

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility,” the official White House presidential action states. “I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.”

336. Biden Claims He Commuted by Train on Collapsed Car Bridge

In remarks on the Baltimore bridge that collapsed early on March 26 after a Singaporean container ship struck it, President Biden claimed he used the Maryland route to Washington, D.C. by “train or car.”

“At about 1:30 [a.m.], a container ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge which I’ve been over many, many times commuting from the state of Delaware either by train or by car,” Biden said.

The steel bridge in question first opened to millions of car commuters in 1977 but was never equipped with tracks for trains.

335. Biden Recounted False Tale to Special Counsel

President Biden repeated an almost certainly false tale to explain why he got involved with politics during his interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

Biden told Hur in October 2024 that an early case in his legal career included the successful defense for a construction company sued by a 23-year-old welder who suffered an injury to their genitals.

“I wrote this memo. And son of a b—, it prevailed,” Biden said. “And I looked over at that kid…and I thought, ‘son of a b—, I’m in the wrong business, I’m not made for this.’”

According to the Washington Free Beacon, however, “this story is almost certainly a complete work of fiction.”

“Although Biden did work at a law firm tapped to defend a construction company in a negligence suit like the one he described to Hur, the case concluded in 1968, while Biden was still in law school,” the Free Beacon reported. “And the welder won, walking away with $315,000, more than $2.8 million in 2024 dollars.”

334. Biden Claimed He Traveled 17,000 Miles with Xi Jinping

Biden regurgitated the debunked story about how he traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping when he was vice president. Even The Washington Post was all but forced to admit the story has no merit.

333. Biden Repeats Lie That He Reduced the Deficit

Biden falsely claimed his administration “reduced the federal deficit by $160 billion.” That statement is not true.

332. Biden Inflates Salaries of Semiconductor Factory Workers

During a March 20 speech, Biden claimed new jobs in U.S. semiconductor factories have “salaries averaging $100,000 and don’t all require college degrees!”

Even the leftist-run admitted there is no evidence to support that assertion. The outlet highlighted a report published by the Semiconductor Industry Association, which found that workers “with a high school education or less could expect to earn a little more than $40,000.”

331. Biden Claimed Cesar Chavez Inspired Him to Run for Office

Biden claimed Cesar Chavez is “the guy who [got him] interested” in politics. The president also asserted he “got involved with [Chavez]” when he allegedly visited Delaware.

Biden’s assertion is false. Throughout his political career, he has regularly claimed a myriad of issues inspired him to run for office, including the Civil Rights movement and environment.

330. Biden Claimed He Cut the Deficit

Biden repeated the false claim that his administration has slashed the federal deficit.

We’ve cut deficit by over by the time it’s out over $2 trillion we’ve cut the deficit!” the president asserted.

Biden’s claim isn’t any truer than the last time he parroted it.

329. Biden Claimed He Cut the Federal Budget

While speaking at a Latinos for Biden-Harris event, Biden claimed he “cut the budget [by] a trillion dollars.” That statement is not true. In fact, the president’s proposal for the 2025 fiscal year is 4.7 percent higher than the current budget, according to USA Today.

328. Biden Claimed Nobody Has Paid More in Taxes Since He Took Office

Biden claimed he “kept” his pledge that “no one earning less than $400K/year … will pay an additional penny in federal tax.” Like many of the president’s grandiose statements, that assertion is false.

327. Biden Claimed He Reduced The Federal Debt

Biden claimed he reduced the federal debt, as well as the deficit “by $1 trillion.” Those statements are false.

326. Biden Repeats Media’s ‘Losers and Suckers’ Hoax

During a March 19 campaign stop in Reno, Nevada, Biden claimed to a room full of voters that Trump degraded military service members while in office.

“Well, you know, this is a guy who said when he wouldn’t go up to visit a cemetery of veterans that they’re a bunch of ‘losers and suckers.’ My son was one of those ‘losers and suckers,’” Biden said. “I’ve never heard a president say the things that this guy’s said.”

The lie originated with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, who claimed without evidence that Trump insulted deceased World War I soldiers by calling them “losers and suckers” and refused to visit their graves in France because it would mess up his hair.

Nearly two dozen Trump White House officials debunked the hit piece, which only received “confirmation” from one source outside of Goldberg.

Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway even clarified in her book “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections” that the real reason Trump could not visit the cemetery was because weather conditions prevented the helicopter from flying and Secret Service would not permit the drive.

325. Biden Repeats Hamas Propaganda

Biden regurgitated Hamas’ claims during an MSNBC interview that 30,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel amid the ongoing regional conflict.

“You can’t have another 30,000 Palestinians dead as a consequence of going after [Hamas]. There are other ways to deal with Hamas,” Biden claimed.

Given that the 30,000 deaths statistic is provided by Hamas’ “health ministry,” there is no way to verify its accuracy.

324. Biden Claimed Trump Praised White Supremacists

Biden posted a campaign ad regurgitating the false claim that Donald Trump praised white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 when he said there were “fine people on both sides.”

This is false, as Trump was referring to both sides of the debate on whether to allow historic monuments to remain standing.

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally,” Trump said at the time.

323. Biden Furthers the Bloodbath Hoax

Biden furthered the lie that former President Donald Trump called for a violent bloodbath if Democrats win the 2024 elections. While quoting an out-of-context video of Trump discussing the U.S. automotive industry, Biden wrote on X: “It’s clear this guy wants another January 6. But the American people are going to give him another resounding electoral defeat this November.”

Trump was not calling for violence. He was discussing the economic disaster that awaits Americans if Biden and Democrats win in November 2024.

322. Biden Claimed He’s Cutting the Federal Deficit

Biden claimed his administration is cutting the federal deficit.

“My Republican friends tell me we’re spending a lot of money … we’re actually cutting the deficit, too!” the president contended during a recent speech.

That statement is false, as federal spending has skyrocketed under Biden.

321. Biden Claimed He Traveled 17,000 Miles with Xi Jinping

Biden asserted during a White House event that he “was with Xi Jinping in the Tibetan plateau” and “traveled 17,000 miles with him.” No matter how many times the president tells this story, it doesn’t change that the fact that it never happened.

320. Biden Claimed He Only Has Four Granddaughters

During a White House event, the president claimed he only has four granddaughters.

“I see a future for all of America; a future for my daughter and my four granddaughters,” Biden said.

That statement is false, as Biden has five granddaughters. The president and his family have regularly ignored the existence of five-year-old Navy Joan Roberts, the child of Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts.

319. Biden Repeats Debunked Housefire Story

While speaking to supporters in Michigan, Biden re-told a debunked story about how firefighters saved his wife, cat, and Corvette in a housefire.

318. Biden Claimed He Hit a Target with a Bow

During his Oct. 8, 2023, interview with special counsel Robert Hur, Biden recounted a trip he took to Mongolia when he served as vice president. Biden claimed he’s “not a bad archer” and shot an arrow that “hit the g-ddamn target.” A video previously uploaded to YouTube by the Obama White House, however, shows Biden shooting an arrow into an empty field.

317. Biden Claimed Involvement in the Civil Rights Movement

While speaking to supporters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Biden claimed he was “deeply involved initially in the civil rights movement.” Biden has regularly lied about his track record on civil rights.

316. Biden Says Illegal Aliens Aren’t Criminals

During remarks before supporters, Biden claimed illegal aliens crossing the U.S. southern border are “not people who are all criminals.” Contrary to the president’s claim, it is a crime for foreign nationals to circumvent immigration laws and infringe upon America’s sovereignty.

315. Biden Claimed the Media Love Trump

While speaking before a group of supporters, Biden said he doesn’t understand why the media “don’t like [him] a lot more than Trump.” A Pew Research study analyzing press coverage of Biden and his predecessor’s first few months in office, however, shows the media covered the beginning of Trump’s presidency far more negatively than they did Biden’s.

314. Biden Claimed He Didn’t Raise Taxes

The president repeated the debunked lie that “nobody” making less than $400,000 a year has paid “a single penny more” in taxes since he took office. Estimates produced by the Joint Committee on Taxation, however, predict that Democrats’ so-called Inflation Reduction Act does “nothing to bring the economy out of stagnation and recession, but … will raise billions of dollars in taxes on Americans making less than $400,000.”

313. Biden Claimed John McCain Was President

During a March 11 speech, Biden asserted that the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was his “predecessor.” This is incorrect, as Donald Trump is Biden’s predecessor.

283-312. Biden’s State of the Union Address

From foreign policy to the economy, there was seemingly no subject Biden didn’t lie about during his 2024 State of the Union address. See the 30 lies the president told during his speech here.

282. Biden Claimed He’s Winning in the Polls

When asked by reporters about his message to Democrats worried about his flailing poll numbers, Biden claimed he’s winning in the “last five” publicly released surveys measuring his 2024 election rematch against former President Donald Trump.

“The last five polls you guys don’t report. I’m winning — five! Five in a row!” Biden shouted.

The president’s statement is untrue. As of March 5, only two of the five most recent polls cited by RealClearPolitics show Biden leading in a head-to-head matchup against Trump.

281. Biden Claimed He Graduated from a Historically Black College

While being interviewed on a radio show, Biden falsely asserted he graduated from a historically black college. When the program’s host informed the president she graduated from Johnson C. Smith University, Biden claimed he graduated from Delaware State University.

The president’s statement is false. Biden attended the University of Delaware, where he acquired his undergraduate degree in 1965. He later obtained his law degree from Syracuse University in 1968.

280. Biden Claimed Voter ID Makes It Harder for Electors to Vote

During a radio interview, Biden claimed that voter ID laws make it more difficult for voters — “particularly, the black voters” — to cast their ballots.

“For example, making it harder to vote — what do you need an ID card to be able to go vote?” the president asked.

Contrary to Biden’s claim, there is no evidence voter ID requirements make it more difficult to vote. Courts have regularly dismissed Democrat-backed lawsuits claiming voter ID measures disenfranchise racial minorities, who overwhelming support such requirements.

279. Biden Claimed He Has No Power to Fix the Border Invasion

When asked by a reporter why he hasn’t taken executive action to fix the border invasion he created, Biden claimed he doesn’t “have the authority to do that.”

The president’s claim is false. Biden has the authority to fix the ongoing crisis. In fact, he has taken dozens of executive actions since taking office to dismantle the security of the U.S.-Mexico border and America’s immigration system.

278. Biden Claimed He’s Airdropping Supplies into Ukraine

During a White House event, Biden claimed his administration was preparing to airdrop supplies into Ukraine.

“In the coming days, we’re gonna join with our friends in Jordan and others in providing airdrops of additional food and supplies into Ukraine and seek to continue to open up other avenues in Ukraine” the president said.

That assertion is false. The Biden administration and Jordan airdropped supplies into Hamas-controlled Gaza — not Ukraine.

277. Biden Claimed Trump Forgot His Wife’s Name

When asked about voters’ concerns over his mental decline during a Feb. 26 appearance on NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” Biden claimed that former President Donald Trump forgot his wife’s name.

“Take a look at the other guy. He is about as old as I am, but he can’t remember his wife’s name,” Biden said. Despite Meyers’ refusal to correct the president, Trump did not forget Melania’s name.

The incident Biden alluded to occurred a few days prior when Trump spoke to attendees at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference. During his remarks, Trump referenced how much conservatives loved Melania, saying “My wife, our great first lady … people love her. People love her.”

The former president’s remarks generated cheers and a standing ovation, prompting Trump to address Mercedes Schlapp, his former director of strategic communications who was sitting in the audience during the speech.

“Oh, look at that, wow! Mercedes, that’s pretty good!” Trump said.

276. Biden Claimed He Traveled 17,000 Miles with China’s Xi Jinping

During a Feb. 24 speech, Biden claimed he “traveled 17,000 miles” with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping throughout the U.S. and China when he was vice president.

“We were on the Tibetan plateau, and he turned to me and he said, ‘Can you define America for me?'” Biden asserted. “This has been documented and it’s real. I looked at him, I said, ‘Yes I can, in one word.’ And he looked at me and said, ‘What’s that?’ And I said, ‘Possibilities.'”

The president’s claim is so indisputably false, that even The Washington Post was all but forced to previously admit it has no merit.

275. Biden Claimed Investigators Brought Up His Son During Special Counsel Interview

During a Feb. 8 press conference focused on disputing reports about his mental decline, Biden scrutinized Special Counsel Robert Hur for asking him about his late son Beau Biden. According to Hur’s classified document report findings, Biden “did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

“How in the hell dare he raise that?” Biden said. “Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, it wasn’t any of their damn business.”

First Lady Jill Biden also quipped in a fundraising letter that Hur may or may not have used “our son’s death to score political points.”

New reporting from NBC News, however, confirms it was Biden who first invoked Beau at his sitdown with Hur in October.

274. Biden Insists His Memory Is ‘Fine’

President Biden sought to brush off concerns about his cognitive decline at a Feb. 8 press conference responding to a special counsel report declaring him too old and feeble to face felony charges over classified documents. In the same prime-time address, the president confused the “president of Mexico” with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi when responding to a question about the situation in Gaza.

273. Biden Says No Classified Records in His Possession Were ‘High Classified’

Biden denied any classified material discovered in his possession were marked “high classified” at a Feb. 8 White House press conference. Special Counsel Hur’s report, however, said investigators found documents with the “classification markings up to the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information Level.”

272. Biden Says Classified Documents Were Secure Within His Home

President Joe Biden told reporters in a Feb. 8 press conference that the classified documents discovered by federal investigators at his Delaware home were “in filing cabinets that were either locked or able to be locked.”

Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, however, said some classified documents found in Biden’s Delaware garage were “in a badly damaged box surrounded by household detritus” which suggested “the documents might have been forgotten.”

271. Biden Says He Did Not Share Classified Info with His Ghostwriter

Biden claimed in a Feb. 8 press conference to have never shared classified material with his ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, who worked with the president on two memoirs. A bombshell report from a special counsel investigation, however, said Biden’s “disclosure of classified information from his notebooks to his ghostwriter, risked serious damage to America’s national security.”

270. Biden Claims He Recently Met a Dead Politician

While speaking in Las Vegas, Biden told event attendees that he “recently” met with Francois Mitterrand, the former president of France.

“I sat down and I said, ‘America’s back,’” Biden said. “And Mitterrand from Germany – I mean from France – looked at me and said…” 

The president’s claim that he recently spoke with Mitterrand is false, as the former French president died in 1996.

269. Biden Claims He Created 15 Million New Jobs

The president once again claimed his administration has “created almost 15 million brand new jobs.” This assertion is false, as Biden is conflating jobs recovered after Covid lockdowns with actual, new jobs created.

268. Biden Claims Nobody Making Less Than $400K Is Paying More in Taxes

During a Feb. 4 speech, Biden claimed to have fulfilled his promise that Americans making less than $400,000 would not pay “one penny” more in federal taxes, and that he would “not break it again.”

According to estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation, however, Biden’s so-called Inflation Reduction Act does “nothing to bring the economy out of stagnation and recession, but it will raise billions of dollars in taxes on Americans making less than $400,000.”

267. Biden Claims He Doesn’t Support Late-Term Abortion

During a Feb. 4 speech in Las Vegas, Biden claimed it’s “not true” that he supports “abortion on demand.” Contrary to his assertion, the president’s actions since taking office have indicated that he does support abortion with no limits.

In the first year of his presidency, Biden revoked the Mexico City policy, which “prohibited U.S. aid money from funding nongovernmental organizations that perform or promote abortion overseas.” He also signed legislation that same year that gifted $50 million to Planned Parenthood. Moreover, Biden signed an executive order two weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade directing federal agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services to “protect and expand access to abortion.” The White House has refused to name a number of weeks of gestation at which Biden would support outlawing abortion.

266. Biden Claims His Student Debt Bailout Is Free

While speaking at a campaign event in Las Vegas, Biden claimed his administration’s attempt to bail out Americans with student loan debt is “not costing people.” The president’s statement is false, as the administration’s debt “forgiveness” plan would transfer existing student loan debt to American taxpayers writ-large — even those who didn’t attend college.

265. Biden Claims He Created 15 Million New Jobs

During a Feb. 4 speech in Las Vegas, Biden claimed his administration has “created a record 15 million new jobs.” That statement is false. Biden is conflating the number of jobs recovered following Covid lockdowns with actual, new jobs created.

264. Biden Claims His Son Was Killed in Iraq

While speaking with the parents of a soldier killed in a January drone attack on U.S. forces in Jordan, Biden falsely claimed his now-deceased son, Beau Biden, died while serving in Iraq.

“I know there’s nothing anybody can say or do to ease the pain. I’ve been there,” Biden told the parents of Spc. Kennedy Sanders, who was posthumously promoted to seargent. “My son spent a year in Iraq. That’s how I lost him.”

Contrary to Biden’s claim, Beau did not die while serving in Iraq. The president’s oldest son passed away at the age of 46 due to complications from brain cancer in 2015. This is not the first time Biden has lied to Gold Star families about how Beau perished.

263. Biden Says He’s Done All He Can to Secure the Southern Border

While speaking with reporters on his way to a campaign event, Biden claimed he’s “done all [he] can do” to halt the massive wave of illegal immigrants invading America’s southern border.

“Just give me the power…! Give me the border patrol! Give me the people! The judges! Give me the people who can stop this and make it work right!” the president said.

While it’s unclear what planet he thinks he’s living on, Biden doesn’t require an act from Congress to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border. In fact, the president has taken numerous actions contributing to the current border crisis, such as ending the Trump administration’s “remain in Mexico” policy, suing Texas and Arizona to remove barriers stemming illegal crossings, and halting border wall construction for the first two and a half years of his presidency.

262. Biden Says Terry McAuliffe Still VA Governor

During his first rally of the 2024 election cycle, Biden falsely claimed Democrat politician Terry McAuliffe was the legitimate winner of Virginia’s 2021 gubernatorial election.

“Hello, Virginia! And the real governor, Terry McAuliffe,” Biden said when greeting the crowd.

MacAuliffe has not been governor of Virginia since 2018 when he was replaced by Democrat Ralph Northam. The Commonwealth is currently managed by Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin

261. Biden Claims He’s Still Serving in the Senate

While visiting a Pennsylvania coffee shop on Jan. 12, Biden claimed he “work[s] for the government in the Senate.”

That statement is false. Biden has served as president of the United States since Jan. 20, 2021.

260. Biden Claims Federal Law Enforcement Tear-Gassed White House Protesters in 2020

Biden went after Trump by claiming federal law enforcement deployed “tear gas” on “peaceful protestors” in 2020.

“Trump brags about using federal assets to tear gas peaceful protestors for a political stunt,” a rapid-response team for the Biden campaign wrote on X.

But it wasn’t federal law enforcement that deployed tear gas canisters. It was the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department.

White House protesters were gassed just before then-President Trump paid homage to the historic St. John’s church after the building suffered riot damage the night before.

259. Biden Claims He Bailed Out 136 Million Student Loan Borrowers

Biden claimed during a Dec. 20 speech that he “got 136 million peoples’ [student] debt relieved” despite the U.S. Supreme Court deeming the policy unconstitutional. That statement is false, according to Biden’s own Department of Education. In its efforts to circumvent SCOTUS’s ruling, the agency announced on Oct. 30 that it had “approved $127 billion” in so-called “debt relief” for nearly 3.6 million borrowers, which is 2.6 percent of the 136 million Biden referenced in his speech.

258. Biden Claims He Nearly Lost His House in a Fire

While speaking to firefighters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Dec. 11, Biden claimed he almost lost his wife and pets in a house fire.

“They also saved my home and my wife’s life when I was away. It was the last day that the most famous guy doing ‘Meet The Press’ in Washington D.C. and I was doing the program,” Biden claimed. “And what happened was there was a lightning [that] struck a pond behind my house, hit a wire, came up through the basement of my home three stories and the smoke clearly ended up being literally that thick, literally that thick. You’ve seen it. You guys have seen it.”

“I wasn’t there. My wife was there, and my dog and my cat and my ’67 Corvette. But all kidding aside, they saved my wife, they got her out. They saved my home,” he added.

Biden has told variations of this story numerous times before, and none of them are true. According to a 2004 Associated Press report, the lightning strike that hit Biden’s home caused a “small” kitchen fire that was contained by authorities “in 20 minutes.”

257. Biden Claims He Had to Choose Between High School Lacrosse and Football

President Biden claimed he had to choose between lacrosse and football in high school. But Archmere Academy, where Biden went to high school, did not have a boy’s lacrosse team until 1993. Biden graduated in 1961.

256. Biden Claims He Did Not Interact With His Family’s Business Associates

When pressed by a reporter during a Dec. 6 White House event on why he engaged with his son and brother’s (Hunter and James) foreign business associates, Biden claimed he did no such thing.

“I did not. It’s just a bunch of lies. They’re lies,” Biden angrily asserted.

Despite his denial, emails obtained by House investigators and testimony from former Biden family business partners show that the president regularly interacted with his son and brother’s clients. Bank records also indicate that Biden financially benefited from his family’s international business operations.

255. Biden Claims He Was Going to Play Football at the Naval Academy

During a “Friendsgiving” event at the U.S. Naval Academy, Biden claimed he originally planned to play football for the institution, but decided against it and went to the University of Delaware after discovering several high-profile football players would be attending the former.

“By the way, I’m all Navy. But I was appointed… I was gonna go play [football] at the Naval Academy until I found out the other guys in the backfield were a guy named Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino,” the president said.

Contrary to his claim, there is no evidence to suggest that Biden — who has told variations of this story several times before — was ever appointed to, or recruited to play for, the Naval Academy.

254. Biden Repeats Amtrak Conductor Yarn

During a trip to Delaware to promote his “Vision for World Class Passenger Rail” via billions of dollars in his expensive infrastructure legislation, Biden told a crowd that an Amtrak conductor told him he traveled 1.2 million miles by train during his vice presidency.

The trips, Biden claimed, were primarily to visit his dying mother who passed away in 2010.

“He used to be number two on the road and he walked up he would go ‘Joey baby’ and he’d grab my cheek,” Biden said.

Biden said the unnamed man calculated the miles during a “retirement dinner up in Newark.”

“He said ‘You traveled over 1,250,000 miles or 300,000 miles,’” Biden continued.

“How did you figure that out, Angie?’” Biden allegedly asked. “And he said ‘Well, it’s about’ — I forget the exact number, but I think it’s 280 miles round trip. And he said, ‘The Senate’s in an average of 117 days a year. You did it for 36 years almost every day. Then you did it as vice president, so that’s how we figured it out.’”

Biden said he shouldn’t disclose the name of the conductor but previously told crowds that his name was Angelo Negri. Negri’s obituary claims he retired in 1993, nearly two decades before Biden’s supposed story took place.

253. Biden Says He Saw Two Men Kissing as a Child

While speaking at the 2023 Human Rights Campaign National Dinner, Biden repeated a baseless story about seeing two men kissing when he was a child in Delaware.

“As I got out of the car … [I saw] two men … lean[] [over] and kiss[] one another, and I had never seen that before,” Biden said. “I turned and looked at my dad, and he just looked at me and said, ‘Joey, it’s simple. It’s simple, Joey. They love one another.”

Even The Washington Post begrudgingly admitted there is no evidence to indicate the story — which Biden has been telling since 2014 — is true.

252. Biden Says He Convinced Strom Thurmond to Pass Voting Rights Act, Again

In a sit-down interview with ProPublica, President Biden repeated the false claim that he convinced former South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond to pass the Voting Rights Act upon leaving the Senate. Thurmond, however, died in 2003. Biden left the Senate in 2009. The landmark legislation was passed years before Biden’s first election to the upper chamber.

The interview published on Oct. 1, 2023, marks at least the third time in just more than a month that Biden has made the same claim. The Associated Press even fact-checked the president on the issue with an Aug. 30 post.

251. Biden Claims He Convinced Strom Thurmond to Support a Civil Rights Bill

During a Sept. 28, 2023, speech, Biden claimed he talked former South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond into supporting a civil rights bill during the waning moments of the former’s Senate campaign.

“Toward the end of my Senate campaign, I convinced Strom Thurmond to vote for the civil rights legislation! Not a joke!” the president said.

While it may not be a “joke,” Biden’s claim is most definitely a lie. For starters, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act on June 19, 1964, meaning Biden would have been 21 years old at the time. Biden didn’t run for Senate until years later and was elected at age 29. Moreover, Thurmond voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

250. Self-Professed Catholic President Claims He Was Raised in Synagogues

In a call with Jewish faith leaders on Sept. 14, 2023, Joe Biden claimed he was “raised in the synagogues” in Delaware.

 “I — you might say raised in the synagogues in my state. You think I’m kidding. I’m not,” Biden said during his greeting.

Just like Biden was not raised in a black church or a Puerto Rican community, Biden was not raised in a synagogue. Instead, he grew up in a Catholic home and attended an all-boys Catholic school.

“I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic. My idea of self, of family, of community, of the wider world comes straight from my religion. It’s not so much the Bible, the Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, the sacraments, or the prayers I learned. It’s the culture. The nuns are one of the reasons I’m still a practicing Catholic,” Biden wrote in the first chapter of his biography “Promises To Keep.” 

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