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Campus Radicals Go Bananas At The Colleges That Created Them

Pro-Palestinian protesters set up encampment on UW-Madison campus.
Image CreditAP / Youtube 

The same institutions of higher education that have brought us the DEI cult are cowering in fear of offending the genocide-defending pirates.


The same antisemitic movement sympathizing with the terrorists declaring “Death to America!” on our college campuses is also at war with food allergies. 

Meanwhile, the same institutions of higher education that have brought us the “diversity, equity and inclusion” cult are cowering in fear that they might offend the genocidal pirates — so much so they are paralyzed in enforcing the law. 

Yes, We Have Bananas 

Things have turned confrontational at UCLA in recent days as anti-Israel demonstrators face off against the counter-protesters standing up against the anarchists who have taken over their school. 

“UCLA has a long history of being a place of peaceful protest, and we are heartbroken about the violence that broke out,” said Mary Osako, vice chancellor of UCLA strategic communications, in a university statement Sunday.  

Included in the heartbreaking incidents of rising tensions, according to Newsweek, was a threatening banana. 

“On Friday, counter-protesters on the UCLA campus reportedly waved bananas in an apparent taunt aimed at a student in the pro-Palestinian encampment with a severe banana allergy. Video on social media also showed a counter-protester wrapped in an Israel flag dancing while eating a banana,” the publication noted in a roundup of pro-Palestinian demonstrations sweeping college campuses nationwide. 

Sixties hippie folkster musician Donovan warned us that “electric banana” was bound to be the very next phase. It turns out the golden-peel fruit is Kryptonite to at least one socialist revolutionary. 

“There was a protestor in the liberated zone at @UCLA with a potentially fatal banana allergy. Counterprotestors invaded the encampment and saw all the no bananas warnings. The next day they came back waving bananas like settlers waving machine guns & smeared bananas everywhere,” a fellow “freedom fighter” whined. 

HauntedTrishHeap, proud bearer of the Palestine flag on her X account, wants justice for the banana-tormented. 

“Do you know if the school has stepped in on this yet? This is vile. Imagine organizing a protest to include focusing on harassing one individual with a medical condition and taking actions to harm them,” railed the Haunted one. 

What’s next? Tossing peanut shells in the quad? Oh, the food allergy crimes against humanity are truly frightening. 

Hives of Hate

You know what is truly frightening? Actual crimes against humanity. The kind committed by Hamas, an actual terrorist organization that systematically brutalized, raped, and murdered some 1,300 people in the most barbaric attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Perhaps such atrocities should come as no surprise from a holy war-driven entity whose charter clearly spells out the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. 

“Released on August 18, 1988, the original covenant spells out clearly Hamas’s genocidal intentions. Accordingly, what happened in Israel on Saturday [Oct. 7] is completely in keeping with Hamas’s explicit aims and stated objectives. It was, in fact, the inchoate realization of Hamas’s true ambitions,” Bruce Hoffman wrote in a piece published in The Atlantic just three days after the breathtaking exhibition of brutality. 

What else is appalling but not unexpected is the violent wave of antisemitism sweeping America’s esteemed institutions of higher education, like the gilded UCLA and Columbia University, where pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protesters reign supreme. These citadels of tolerance and inclusion have become hives of hate, so much so that a Jewish student at the hypocritical “safe space” of Columbia is suing the university for failing to provide a “safe education environment,” the Hill reported.

“The encampment has been the center of round-the-clock harassment of Jewish students, who have been punched, shoved, spat upon, blocked from attending classes and moving freely about campus, and targeted by pro-terrorist hate speech — both verbal and in written form on massive banners and signs — with statements such as: ‘Death to the Jews’; ‘Long live Hamas’; ‘Globalize the Intifada,’” the lawsuit alleges. 

Intifada, by the way, is an uprising promoting violence against Jews, wearing the mask of “resistance” against Israel. 

Columbia, the prestigious school that likes to boast that it offers “every student with a comprehensive and transformational understanding of modern civilization,” has been taken over by the defenders of the kind of barbarism that should be an affront to all civilized nations. 

Administrators at the private, Ivy League school — after being kowtowed by the radical class that its leftist policies have created and coddled — have begun threatening these pro-Hamas squatters with academic suspensions. Students and faculty members are demanding “amnesty” for the suspended.

Refusing to Enforce the Law

Meanwhile, at the taxpayer-funded University of Wisconsin-Madison, the lunatics are in charge of the asylum, and, again, the tolerance crowd is afraid to enforce the law. Many of the same chants and sidewalk chalkings about global intifada fill the leftist campus, along with the tents of protesters who are clearly breaking state law prohibiting camping on Wisconsin university property. 

Dan Lennington, a constitutional law expert and deputy counsel at the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, says UW-Madison Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin is picking favorites in providing safe spaces for the pro-Palestinian protesters who are breaking the law. 

“By refusing to enforce a neutral state law, she’s allowing protesters to argue they are not breaking the law. On the other hand, she’s opening up Jewish students to racial harassment, which she has a duty to investigate under Title VI,” Lennington wrote Monday on his X account. “Easy option would just to be enforce the law. I wouldn’t want to have to defend @UWMadison if police officers or administration officials are setting themselves up for a claim that they acquiesced and/or created a temporary public forum. Or have to deal with federal investigators who will evaluate the response.”

Mnookin issued a weak-kneed response Monday evening, in seeming solidarity with the radicals while softly reminding them that the legislature enacted a law placing “limits on the types of activities permitted on campus.” 

“UW–Madison is committed to protecting the right to free expression, including protest, within the boundaries of state law and campus policies,” the chancellor comforted. “Within the time, place and manner restrictions defined by law, students and other members of our community may assemble, carry signs, chant, march, and make speeches to give voice to issues they deem important.” 

The university, Mnookin said, recognizes the “deeply felt and passionate views” of the pro-Palestinian protesters, but, doggone it guys, you just can’t be living in tent cities on the grounds of Wisconsin’s flagship public university. So Mnookin and crew have “encouraged” the demonstrators to take down the tents while assuring them that “campus leaders stand ready to meet with campus-based organizers to discuss their demands.”

“We continue to ask the protesters to voluntarily comply with state law against tents and encampments on university property,” Mnookin said of the don’t tell, ask position of the university. (What do you think that position would be if Tea Party students or anti-Covid vaccine demonstrators had set up encampments on campus?) “We hope that protestors will elect to avail themselves of the many alternative ways to protest and to express their views without tents or encampments on our campus grounds.”

The tents were still up as of late Monday evening, according to multiple reports. Protesters were holding the UW’s Library Mall hostage until the university met their demands, including cutting all ties with Israeli institutions and divesting from companies benefiting from Israel’s war on terror.

And the delusion of the indoctrinated, failed by an educational system teaching DEI instead of history, goes on. 

“It’s incredibly meaningful, and it makes such a strong statement. You know, the American people and specifically young people are sick and tired of our institutions supporting violence, supporting genocide, and allowing these atrocities to continue. And I think that we see this super strong in Madison today,” demonstrator Dahlia Saba told WKOW, a Madison ABC News affiliate.  

There were no reports of banana-related fatalities.  

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