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How About That Weather Narrative?

Democrats’ narrative about what the Biden boys and foreign businessmen discussed on the phone is patently absurd.


Key Biden business associate Devon Archer testified on Capitol Hill this week, and there’s predictably more to the story than Biden family apologists are letting on.

Among other things, Archer reportedly confirmed Joe Biden spoke and met with his son’s business associates more than 20 times (there were many more). Archer is also said to have filled in crucial details regarding Burisma executives’ calls with “D.C.” and the subsequent firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the energy company — for which Joe Biden later took credit.

In case you haven’t noticed, the Biden family business narrative has radically shifted — from Joe insisting he never talked to his son about his overseas business dealings, to the president’s handlers saying he wasn’t involved in the business, to Democrats claiming it’s “preposterous” to think Joe wouldn’t speak to his son’s associates. But much like they did with the on-the-record and evidence-based testimony from former Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, Democrats and their corporate media PR outfits have spent the hours since Archer’s testimony insisting there’s nothing to see here.

During the period of documented Ukrainian corruption and the Bidens’ lucrative entanglements there — the subject of Archer’s testimony — Beau Biden was dying, and thus Joe and Hunter were grieving, the official narrative goes. They were talking every day. About what? The weather, of course. Seriously, that’s what Democrats are going with:

With Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y. — whom the talking heads on MSNBC want you to know was in the room for Archer’s testimony — successfully capturing the attention of a corporate media that otherwise appear bored with the witness, it’s worth revisiting a text exchange from that pesky laptop Hunter forgot at a Delaware repair shop while he out doing God only knows:

“I Hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family [for] 30 years. It’s really hard,” reads one message, apparently from Hunter to his daughter Naomi Biden. “But don’t worry unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

There was no direct evidence of such half-salary monetary transfers on the laptop, but there is plenty of evidence of Hunter bankrolling Joe Biden’s personal expenses during the patriarch’s vice presidency. Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin detailed some of these expenditures, including maintenance on the Bidens’ Wilmington lakefront mansion, in a 2010 email to Hunter. As the New York Post reported, “There were $1,239 in repairs to an air conditioner at ‘mom-mom’s cottage,’ and another $1,475 to a painter for ‘back wall and columns at the lake house.’ There was also another $2,600 for fixing up a ‘stone retaining wall at the lake’ and $475 ‘for shutters.’”

This is to say nothing of the ample evidence indicating Hunter and Joe Biden shared a bank account. For instance, Secret Service reportedly visited Hunter immediately after he accidentally sent some $25,000 to a prostitute to tell him “this is linked to Celtic’s account” — Secret Service’s code name for the then-vice president.

And don’t forget about that email discussing “10 held by H for the big guy” — an apparent reference to Joe Biden getting a 10 percent cut of a deal Hunter was working out with a Chinese energy company.

The point is: We know how Hunter made his money. It’s not that complicated. Even Democrats have been forced to acknowledge Hunter’s foreign entanglements — that’s why their Biden corruption talking points center around the son rather than the father and why they frame everything not in terms of potential bribery or other crimes but rather mere “unseemly” behavior.

But about all those meteorology calls between Biden and his boy — something doesn’t add up. Why would Joe Biden stand to get 10 percent of a Chinese energy deal he’d never discussed with his son? How can you share a bank account with a family member and never talk about cash flow? How can you trust your boy to pay for spendy house upkeep unless you know some details about his income? Were foreign oligarchs the sugar daddies behind “mom-mom’s cottage” repairs? And as the account “a newsman” pointed out on Twitter, we’re supposed to believe the text exchange apparently between Hunter and Naomi is the former “telling his daughter that Joe Biden takes half of his income from work he’s never discussed with him”?

The narrative is absurd on its face — but how about that weather?

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